Assault: Crush the Rebels of Azeroth! The great war against the Orcs has finally ended, but a new threat has emerged. King Terenas was kind to the warriors of Azeroth, granting the greatest heroes fiefdoms for their valiant efforts against the Orcs. However, one such fiefdom has discovered a productive gold mine in their newfound territory, and King Terenas’ close allies report that this renegade fiefdom plans to use its new wealth to raise a great army and secede from the Alliance. Armed only with a small contingent from Stromgarde, your mission is to destroy the great fortress of the renegade Azerothiens and set an example for all the barons of Lordaeron. Beware! The Azerothiens plan to marshal a great army of Gryphon Riders. Defend your armies well with legions of proud Eleven Rangers. Also, be aware that your resources will not match those of the renegades. You must use guile and cunning to win this battle, for you are sure to be overmatched. NOTE: To play this scenario, copy it into your Warcraft II directory and then start up Warcraft II. Choose a Single Player game, Custom Scenario. You will then be able to select a Custom Scenario, and Assault will be one of your options. If this mission proves to be too much of a challenge, you can open up ASSAULT.PUD with Warcraft II’s built-in map editor and increase the amount of gold in your gold mine (the southeast gold mine) to 80,000. Don’t peek at the map - just change the amount of gold in the mine and save the scenario! Then try it again. Good luck!